jeff lowe
Anyone can play a video without even watching it. And anyone can watch a video without learning anything. Even if you sit there and and look at them watching it. So maybe give them an in class quiz...
Log into the Spanish version. You will have 100% there. https://es.khanacademy.org/mission/math
Maybe they have parents that you could tell?
should you get more points for every time you read it or if you can memorize it and recite it after reading it just once?
I have the same issue. Stuck on 99%. If I change the language to Hindi and start the mission it gives me a rotation problem, but instructions on what to do unclear, but I'm supposed to give a Yes o...
- Community
- Technical Issues and Workarounds
- No way to enter an answer and progress to the next question
The following exercise and quiz questions have the same problem. https://www.khanacademy.org/math/ap-calculus-ab/ab-diff-contextual-applications-new/modal/e/interpret-motion-graphs https://www.khan...
2x+Q=Px-31 #1 Q = -31 and P = -2 gives x = -x which has one solution: x = 0 #2 Q = 31 and P = 2 gives 0x = -62 , no solution #3 Q = -2 and P = 2 gives 0x = -29 , no solution #4 Q = -31 and P = 2 g...
That could save countries countless $billions in student financial assistance for unnecessarily expensive college courses like math. Plus book costs at $200-$300 per text. Colleges, universities, b...
Most people can usually benefit from going back a few grades behind their current official grade level. They will either be able to speed through those sections or you will see that's where they n...
There was a claim 4 1/2 years ago that this was fixed. https://engineering.khanacademy.org/posts/no-cheating-allowed.htm Maybe you can report it as a bug. https://khanacademy.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/r...
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