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Federico Chang
Federico Chang created a post,
decodeURI it is a good way to start
my sql need deal with varbinary which generate encodeURI ,do i need decode it using DecodeURI,thank you khan academy still remaining this one.
Federico Chang created a post,
unicode (display unicode on my local pj5+web display weird)
hi i wnt to say Every fine on khan platform but when i run in my local xampp server display weird. this is my project rotate cube from pjs | Khan Academy thank you
Federico Chang commented,
maybe " while (y < 400){ text(y, 0, y); y+=50;} "Sorry ,i'm not Native speaker.try it on your own, see the answer
Federico Chang created a post,
whar is newton's law before ?
Many years ago ,i think there is a video about Newton 3 law compare what Newton himself learn it from his class?i can't find it, thank you.
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