Using private exploit to advocate for dark mode (how am I not banned yet)
Jay commented, here is a help request that I sent so don't respond asking me to send a help request about this
Jay created a post,
Hiding visually dependent content is useless
I expected the "hide visually dependent content" to hide visually dependent content but still allow me to use the site, but it doesn't, the content it was supposed to hide is still there, except wi...
Jay commented,
Or, It could be like the forums and you could upload your own avatar. Plus, how would you code an avatar, they're literally just PNGs.
Jay commented,
Ha, Evan Lewis, The Greatest game ever comment has been public for a while now, If you really monitor every single post made, why do I have to comment "wrong forum" so much
Jay commented,
the only reason anyone would need this is if they are not already in contact. ie stalkers
Jay commented,
Khan academy is not a social network.
Jay commented,
Pending approval Wrong forum, go to "content requests"
Jay commented,
Pending approval Wrong forum
Jay created a post,
Why can't we flag forum comments?
I want a way to flag forum comments and posts. Example: I saw an off-topic comment on a forum post that was "greatest game ever" but wasn't even related to a game.I clicked on the three dots to re...
Jay commented,
You should email Khan academy, not post in a help forum
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