Pauline Taylor
I still struggle with trig functions and cube roots
AnsweredI have a struggle calculating trig functions in calculus sums, Does that mean i would have to go over trig again?
About calculus
AnsweredShould we take Ap calculus and ab and Ap calculus Bc after pre-calculus, or after lineralgrbra?
About liner algebra
AnsweredDo you think I should take liner algebra after I have learned pre-calculus and ap and calculus topics? or before them? when I have done algebra 1 most of algebra 2 when iv understand the basics of ...
About learning trigonometry
AnsweredIs it important for me to learn trigonometry pre-calculus level, even if I learned some trigonometry basics and done trigonometry from algebra 2 is it still important for me so when I reach calculus?
Im looking for calculus 1,2,3 is
Answeredis hight school maths calculus 1,2,3?
here is anothere website if anyone is intrested the courses are free video and I still can`t find the assignments there.
Answeredhttps://cosmolearning.org/courses/basic-algebraic-geometry-varieties-morphisms-local-rings-function-fields-nonsingularity/ I copy and pasted the link but there are applied maths, discreet maths, pa...
Why does like basic algebra have videos from algebra 1 and 3 under basic algebra section?
AnsweredWhy does like basic algebra have videos from algebra 1 and 3 under basic algebra section? maybe I should learn liner algebra and differential equations before going back to basic algebra because I ...
I think It would be if we had new subjects like advanced
Like astrophysics, quantum mechanics, finite maths, highter and pure, discrete and applied maths, I don`t know if anyone else has heard of it, is called advanced highter maths.
I made this profile 19 days ago but now im thinking to start where I left of from the old one.
AnsweredI was at basic algebra level then I decided to delete the old profile to make this one to start a new, I remember most of it since last time, I was thinking to start from basic algebra level and t...
About the SAT form for double time for people with disabilities.
I read about there is a form to complete if you or your kid has any type of disability for double time on the SAT`s I read alot about it, but where do I get the form I can not find it, im not ready...
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