Mariah Blanton
Mariah Blanton commented,
I did it!! Yes!! Thank-you so much for your help Katrina! I couldn't have done it without you.
Mariah Blanton commented,
Thanks Katrina! I'll take a look at it and try again to figure it out.
Mariah Blanton commented,
Katrina, thanks for trying to help, but I look over the code yours and mine again and again and I cant figure it out. It is really stressing me out and unless some one can help me out I will quit c...
Mariah Blanton commented,
Mariah Blanton commented,
I think it was he needed me to put something right here <style> (right here) body:{ backround-color rgbc() </style>
Mariah Blanton created a post,
commputer programming help
AnsweredI need help with my computer programming. Mr. oh noes keeps telling me I need to do something and I watched the video about it and I cant figure out what to do! look below for details
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