Katey Gordon
I am a life long learner and hoping to be a master at Math and Computer programming. love being active and supporting the khanacademy community as a Student I am Proud to be a "Khan Academer" and remember you "Khan" learn anything !
A way of Documenting and Remember what I learn
AnsweredHi Khan Academy Learners, I have a question I use programming projects as a place to keep notes,formuls and information I learn on Khan Academy video's its been a trick I have used to practice my p...
Subtracting Negative numvers in Khan Academy world of math
AnsweredHi Khan Academy Members, I have been working on this for quite a while now and somehow this is a big challenge for me. I have watched the videos on Khan Academy etc. but am still getting rather con...
Study Group Books Discussion
AnsweredIn Part of learning of Khan Academy I am taking up time to read more as well is there anyone that would recommend books that correlate with Khan Academy content and lessons here is this place to po...
Quotes that motivate you to learn
AnsweredHi Everyone,. As I keep learning on Khan Academy I have set goals to master mathematics and all subjects. When I feel like I am having troubles learning on Khan Academy I look at quotes to help me ...
Self-learner Study group tips
AnsweredI am a self-learner and taking my time to fully invest in my learning I set aside on good days at least 5 hours of learning on Khan Academy etc. I will be returning to learning all subjects, buildi...
Any Worksheets etc. For extra grammar practice
Hi Khan Academy, Finally almost completely finished the grammar section within Khan Academy is there any Worksheets (printable ) etc. That I can continue to improve my grammar ? Proud to be a Khan...
Periodic Table App or website that I can use with Khan Academy Chemistry
Hi Khan Academy Community, As Teachers or students is there any apps or website periodic tables I can use with Khan Academy Chemistry exercises for my android tablet? As I am now studying Chemistry...
Star Wars Promotional Content
Hi Khan Academy Support Team, May the 4th has already passed us but could we make some Star wars learning materials for next year as promotional Khan Academy learning content with the following: Ma...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
I just want to say to the entire Khan Academy team and Users and everyone else have a Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad ,Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy chanukah and Happy Holidays and have the m...
Creative Challenge for all students turn Rays and Line Segments into snowflake's
Hello Khan Academers, Today it's a geometry drawing challenge you can turn Rays and Line Segments into snowflake's as you will see Olaf is one of my favorite characters for more fun math challenge...
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Total activity 984
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