I am a Support Advocate on Khan Academy who is devoted to volunteering, mostly here on the Help Center, answering other people's questions, and trying to empower other users to help themselves and others. Khan Academy is one of the best free learning programs available online, and I support it 100% in any way that I can. #YouCanLearnAnything
Alex(Prometheus) commented,
Wow, good job on the badges Light Runner! I don't know if the Khan Academy staff will accept these, but I'll drop a link to this post so they see it, at least. -Alex
Alex(Prometheus) commented,
@vchamp- if you want to, you can comment and vote this post up, it's about getting new avatars. Everyone else is welcome to view and comment on it, the move votes and attention it receives, the b...
Alex(Prometheus) commented,
Hey guy, just so y'all know, this post has been seen by the Khan staff :D' I don't know whether or not they'll implement them, but your post has been seen! Thanks for taking the time to do this! I...
Alex(Prometheus) commented,
Great job Allison! It's awesome to hear that Khan Academy was able to help you help yourself! :D Enjoy Learning, -Alex
Alex(Prometheus) commented,
Hi Sundus Karim, I think it would probably be better to do an observational analysis versus observational research strictly on that subject, but I think it is definitely a good topic to research, a...
Alex(Prometheus) commented,
As of right now, there is not a section concerning constitutional law, but there might be one soon. :D
Alex(Prometheus) commented,
Hello(to all persons concerned), I just wanted to let you guys know that someone in the Khan Academy team is going to be getting back to you, and trying to help you guys figure out how to do what y...
Alex(Prometheus) commented,
Yes!!! Thank you so much Khan Academy! This has been requested more than anything else in my experience here on the help center, and I am very excited for all the users here, because their learnin...
Alex(Prometheus) commented,
Hi Kelli, The way you do this is by clicking the button that says, "Proress" on your dashboard/home page on Khan Academy. You cab see it in the picture below. ' Next, you can select what data you ...
Alex(Prometheus) commented,
Hi Luisa, Here is a link to Khan Academy's English grammar section; as far as I am aware, there are no French or Spanish grammar courses on Khan Academy.
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