Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬
Calling out a plagiarized program isn't allowed?
Yesterday I found a plagiarized program on the hotlist, so I left a comment that it was plagiarized and left a link to the original. I've done this multiple times over several years and never had a...
OhNoes reporting nonsense when detecting infinite loops
This bug has been around for a while and hasn't been fixed. I'm writing this here where hopefully someone with the ability to fix it will see it. Whenever you make an infinite loop in the processin...
Projects are in a random order
There's a new bug, yay! I just headed to my dashboard to see that my "most recent" programs were the following: My first thought was that I got hacked so I immediately changed my password, thinkin...
Is tone.js allowed?
I made this program that shows off the tone.js library: https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/tonejs-midi-player/6639166447468544 Basically, tone.js allows you to make music using Web Au...
The "trending" sorting option
Recently, a new sorting option was introduced for comments, called trending. It works similarly to the Computer Programming section's hot list for projects. However, for some people, it's the defau...
Tips and thanks not working?
So on my program, CircLand, I've recently encountered an issue where the tips and thanks are just on an infinite loading screen if you sort by top voted. Similarly, if you load the sixth page of th...
Is there a way to view exact account creation date?
There is the "x years ago" text but it doesn't say the date of creation. There was a way with the API, but that has been removed so is there a way to see an account's creation date now?
Web audio API allowed?
In a collab I'm in, someone found a way to play sounds with an HTML library. It is using the web audio API, but the guidelines state that sound is only allowed with the web audio API oscilator. Wou...
I can't change my nickname
This might have something to do with me changing my username, but I can't change my nickname. Whenever I try to, it changes for a second but then it changes back. I have no idea why this is happeni...
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Total activity 94
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