Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬
Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 created a post,
Calling out a plagiarized program isn't allowed?
Yesterday I found a plagiarized program on the hotlist, so I left a comment that it was plagiarized and left a link to the original. I've done this multiple times over several years and never had a...
Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 commented,
Try changing your password and, if you're using a third-party login, turn on 2fa.
Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 created a post,
OhNoes reporting nonsense when detecting infinite loops
This bug has been around for a while and hasn't been fixed. I'm writing this here where hopefully someone with the ability to fix it will see it. Whenever you make an infinite loop in the processin...
Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 commented,
Hopefully not intentional. Help requests is the least used tab, doesn't make sense to put it first.
Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 commented,
Tesla requires 10 million energy points. Atlas requires mastery in 5,000 skills and Artemis requires mastery in 7,500, but both are unobtainable since there are less than 5,000 skills to master. Is...
Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 commented,
Based on the recent changes to the github repository, it seems like KA removed it for copyright reasons. You can still re-enable it in your browser's extension settings.
Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 commented,
If you're referring to putting the link in a comment, then KA automatically blocks links. Once someone reviews your comment it should get unhidden, but that usually takes a while so an easier solut...
Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 commented,
cossine I don't see how that affects anything. print("Hello") and print("hello") are both handled the same, the only difference being the capitalization.
Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 commented,
If you see someone copying someone else's code, then you can flag that program for plagiarism and provide a link to the original in your flag message. Spin-offs automatically give credit to the ori...
Electric Dolphin ⚡️🐬 commented,
That error can mean a few different things. You should create a help request on your program so that we can see your code.
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