Asher commented,
Hello, I agree with the sentiment present in most of these comments. I have been a member of Khan Academy for at least 6 years. I personally have only been warned once, because I protested the "KA ...
Asher commented,
while I understand the reasoning behind removing them, I hope they make a new system for some of these badges, especially 1k kelvin, I strived for that badge for years, and finally got it a month o...
Asher commented,
yeah, I am. if so, I will submit an issue on the extension's github. Thanks
Asher commented,
I just posted a feature request for just this. https://khanacademy.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360059849252-Changing-the-code-editor-into-a-fullscreen-pane-rather-than-the-small-window-it-...
Asher commented,
You may have already found out about this, but in case you haven't, or other people stumble across this post, there is a browser extension called the KA extension that does just that, plus it gives...
Asher created a post,
Changing the code editor into a fullscreen pane, rather than the small window it is currently.
Hello Khan Academy team, a couple years ago I made a custom stylesheet that changes the small editor that is default in the CS section into a much more comfortable full size pane. My CSS is rough, ...
Asher created a post,
Can't vote on projects in the CS section.
Whenever I press vote up on a program, I get this popup, even though I am logged in. I am using firefox, but I can vote up using the new chromium based edge.
Asher commented,
agreed! my ayes are very sensitive to light and would love a dark theme!
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