Kaleb Davenport
I am not worried about notifications during the videos as much as I am interested in having the ability to turn off the distraction of notifications in general. If someone on the Khan Academy team ...
--Correction. It looks like there is an option to (try at least) to opt into the beta program. https://khanacademy.typeform.com/to/IMI6Tr is the link for anyone who is interested.
Was an ETA ever given? I would love the option to opt into or out of the beta program similar to Android or Apple's beta program, I think you would probably get more feedback that way. Anyway, I am...
I would love to know if it is a vision of the academy to add language classes. They have the potential to be extremely helpful to students.
I would like to add that the site disables full screen after every video, so I would really appreciate if there were less distractions on it. The notifications are very distracting, and because the...
I agree. The notifications do not need to be removed, just the option to hide them.
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