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- Feature Requests and General Site Feedback
- When learning about topics, it'd be so helpful to have visual proofs in some topics. And the "why's" as to why something is the way it is, better explained.
Inmune Miriada thank you so much! I love knowing the whys too and it definitely helps you have tighter grasps on the concept.
- Community
- Feature Requests and General Site Feedback
- When learning about topics, it'd be so helpful to have visual proofs in some topics. And the "why's" as to why something is the way it is, better explained.
In Grade 8, Unit 1. For "The 0 & 1st Power" Lesson, it'd be helpful to also relate why it is the case that Numbers to the power of 0, equals to 1. Like the video "Why do numbers to the power of 0 e...
- Community
- Feature Requests and General Site Feedback
- Please make the `listener` badges be one-time only
i think for the mean time, you can't really do anything about it until they change it.
May I ask what score you get when you consider yourself bombing out of the course challenge? 'cause it may be that you're just bombing select parts of the course more than others, and like you have...
- Community
- Feature Requests and General Site Feedback
- Please make the `listener` badges be one-time only
LITERALLY! I keep receiving the badge "Nice Listener", and I've now gotten it 31 times, while I've gotten the "Great Listener" Badges 10 times. Having them as 1 time milestone badges would just mak...
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- How to quickly(but efffectively) do a Khan Academy course? I'm preparing for a upcoming math exam at the end of January.
For any future users wanting to kind of full clear Kindergarten to Grade 8 Courses and beyond+ (so 100%) them, what I'd recommend is to do the "Quizzes" in each unit and then move on to the "Unit T...
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Total activity 32
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