New to Khan Academy, where should I look if I need to prepare for these specific topics?
Hey everyone! I'm new to Khan Academy and I'm considering using it to prepare for an entrance exam I need to sit for in 2.5 months. My maths are pretty rusty so I figured studying in advanced and using KA would be a good idea. The thing is that with the syllabus that I was given for this exam, I'm not exactly sure where to look at in Khan Academy. This is the syllabus:
Properties and operations on numbers (integers, rationals, real numbers). Absolute value. Polynomials (operations, factorization). First and second degree algebraic equations and inequalities or reducible. Powers and square roots. Exponentials and logarithms. Calculations with logarithms. Fractional, irrational, logarithmic and exponential rational equations and inequalities. Symbolic mathematics. Practical solution of simple linear systems. Cartesian coordinates. Equations of lines and of simple loci (circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyberbola). Graphs of elementary functions.
I've checked the Algebra 1, 2, and Precalc units and I see the topics I need are covered there, but there are also a lot of additional topics which are not directly relevant to this exam. Would it be worthwhile for me to study the whole units anyways? What path would you recommend me taking if I need to prepare for just the topics listed above? Thank you very much!
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