Reporting Features- Export
Please let us export the following information, on-demand and/or automated reports via email.
1. Skills Report- Each unit gets its own tab in the spreadsheet (or its own csv). Student names on left column with each skill on top row. Mastery level of each skill for each student. I have created this for my class already, and have conditionally formatted it so that each mastery level is color coded and easy to analyze at a glance. However, updating this manually requires way too much work. A quick export should update my spreadsheets, and I can create formulas to compare one sheet to the next to evaluate progress, convert to grades, hold students accountable, sort into groups, determine which lessons are needed, etc.
2. Activity Report- Indicate which students moved up in each skill each week
3. Assignment scores
4. Course Mastery, total % by student
5. Course Mastery, each unit in course that students have/have not mastered (like #1, but macro instead of micro)
6. How many days/minutes student has worked on each unit (will help to identify red flags!)
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