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Hi soriamauricio21,
The article that you linked was published on 08/06/2021. You can just use "Khan Academy" as the author.
If you need to find publication dates for Khan Academy articles in the future, you can use this program: https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/article-publish-date-lookup/5454673882857472
I hope this helps!
Hello, soriamauricio21!
I'm afraid that not all of the articles within our site mention the author or authors that worked on them. However, instead of the authors' names, you can put the name of the article and "Khan Academy" in italics.That said, in addition to Allison's comment, this article details how to cite material from Khan Academy according to the Chicago Manual of Style (US). I encourage you to check it out to get a complete guide on how to do so.
I truly appreciate your understanding! :)
Community Support -
Hi, I wanted to know when this article: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/big-history-project/stars-and-elements/knowing-stars-elements/a/marie-curie was published. Just the year is fine.
Thank you -
Hello, I need to cite an article from you guys called "Environment and Trade: Viking age." When was that article published. I need a Month, Day, and Year. If you cannot find the month or day do not worry, because those are not mandatory just the year is mandatory. Thank you all so much!!
brgollaher That one was published 5/15/2017
Thank you so much!!
hi, i seem to be having a problem with the code Allison sent. i'm just wondering how it works and what date this article was published: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/rise-to-world-power/1920s-america/a/1920s-consumption#:~:text=For%20many%20middle%2Dclass%20Americans,a%20possibility%20for%20many%20Americans.%20author i also just need the year but would appreciate the help
micelkay That one was last updated 06/23/2017
I also fixed the bug that was preventing it from working!
you're the GOAT bro thanks
s11416 - Divvi S That one was published June 2020
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