Downloading an entire course with its structure preserved.
Hi everyone, I have looked around the internet a lot for various solutions to this but none of them seem to really get the job done. So, my suggestion is simple. Every course has various units which in turn have various skills with multiple videos each with some of them having a review page and not a video. It would be great to have an option to download an entire course where this structure is preserved. So, after the download one would get all these arranged in the same order. For example, I have manually attempted to do this, by creating an Algebra 1, for example, and the folders inside are named "Unit # - Unit name" which in turn have "Skill # - Skill name" which in turn have the videos and the reviews saved as pdf files numbered accordingly"
Would this be something that would be considered? It is gets frustraring to do this after every video and I believe this would make things a lot easier for those who want to have the contents be downloaded.
Thanks in advance
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