Importing my Google Classroom classes to Khan Academy
When I try to import my classes from Google Classroom, I am not seeing all of my classes on the dropdown list.
Hi chawkins!
Thanks for posting this question about the issue you've been having! We did identify a small issue where all classes were not showing up in the drop-down menu when trying to roster classes with Google Classroom. This issue was fixed on 3/16/21. If you're still seeing this on your end, please submit a support ticket so that we can take a closer look.
Thanks for being an active member of the community!
Try refreshing your page.
If it still doesnt work, try logging out and logging back in..
I am having the same issue with the drop-down on importing Google Classrooms. Not all of my classes appear. I refreshed and logged out and back in. Any other ideas?
Yes, I tried signing out and back in, restarting my computer, and deleting classes and trying to reload them. None of this worked.
I am also facing the same problem while importing the classes from google classroom.
Would you be able to send me a screenshot of what you are seeing?
Attaching a screenshot of what I am seeing on my end, when I scroll down, I am able to see the list of the classes...
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