Which are liner functions?
Hi my name is arenaisi0 and i am trying to learn how to tell the difference between liner functions and non-liner functions. Can someone please help me with it?
In first only normal time of functions skills are math kind of adding over 100 those have.
Hello arenaisi0,
A linear function is a graph that is a straight line. They follow this formula: y = f(x) = a + bx.
A non-linear function is, well, not a linear function. It is not straight. An example is a quadratic function.
Here is the Unit if you need/want more help.
Hope this helps.
Linear functions are graphs that have straight lines only
*Edit it is spelled line(a)r, not liner
Non-linear functions are graphs that are not "lines." The definition of a line in mathematics refers a line(non-mathematical) that is straight. If you are a bit confused by this, think about it this way. The definition of a line in english is, well, a LINE. But the definition of a line in mathematics is a straight line(english). An example of a nonlinear function is a parabola. A parabola is a function that is a u shaped graph. A parabola with a contain a squared variable. An example of a parabola is y=x^2. A linear function would be like y=x+1. This function is straight and maintains the slope of 1. Which makes it linear.
Here is the link the intro about parabolas. Very simple stuff but useful. :)
Hope this helps :)
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