Update: Streaks are going away on January 4, 2021
What’s changing?
We will be retiring the Streaks feature on January 4, 2021. This means that we'll no longer be tracking the number of days in a row a learner has used Khan Academy, and the Streak widget will no longer appear in learner profiles.
Why are we making this change?
As part of the ongoing project to rebuild all of Khan Academy in a new coding language, we’ve been investigating areas where we have the ability to simplify the learning experience and free up time for our small team to focus on improving our most critical areas.
When we looked at the Streak feature, we found that over 99% of learners did not use it regularly. It’s also an older part of our site that’s been difficult to keep running smoothly (as the remaining 1% of you might have experienced firsthand…). Finally, we’ve heard from some learners and teachers that, as currently designed, streaks can actually be demotivating - especially when circumstances beyond one’s control, like health or access to a device or Wi-Fi, can be the reason a streak gets broken.
What if I have a currently active streak I’m working on?
We will be recognizing everyone who has a long, currently active streak on the day that Streaks get removed with special commemorative badges. There will be new badges for people who have maintained an active streak of 50, 100, 200, 500, and 1000 days of activity. We’re so impressed with everyone who has achieved these streak levels!
We want to end this note by shouting out those of you who stayed committed to a streak of any length, either in the past or during the difficult year that has been 2020. We hope that your dedication was personally rewarding, and we thank you for being such an important part of the Khan Academy community.
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