How do you know when you have completed a course?
Do you have to get 100% mastered to complete a course?
Hi Sherman,
You're free to move on to another course whenever you'd like, but the goal is to achieve 100% mastery in a course in order for it to be considered "completed".
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions!
Yes you need to get 100% mastery to consider your course 100% completed. Hope this helps!
Well I don’t really think that videos really counts because the course only shows you the things you completed and the videos are tec just there.
(I used google translate)
Bonjour! Je voudrais savoir ce qu'il me faudra pour terminer avec le cours, si j'ai progressé ou
question:Comment je dois savoir si j'ai terminé avec les cours? Svp!
translation:How do I know if I am finished with the lessons?
answer:it will display __% mastered under the name of the lesson. if it shows, say, 20% mastered, then you have completed 20 percent of the lesson. when it shows 100% mastered, then you have completed the lesson.
translation of the answer:traduction de la réponse: réponse: il affichera __% maîtrisé sous le nom de la leçon. s'il montre, disons, 20% maîtrisé, alors vous avez terminé 20 pour cent de la leçon. quand il montre 100% maîtrisé, alors vous avez terminé la leçon.
question:Bonjour! Je voudrais savoir ce qu'il me faudra pour terminer avec le cours, si j'ai progressé ou
translation of the question :Hello! I would like to know what it will take to complete the course, whether I have progressed or not?
answer: watch videos, and complete the exercises.
translation of the answer: regarder des vidéos et effectuez les exercices.
YES you must. Its like a Mission on a game you have to get all the items, kill all the bad guys, make it to the end of the path....
Bonjour, j'ai deja vu toutes les videos ainsi que les exercices. Donc je ne sais pas quoi faire pour continuer.
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