Make the site more engaging and improve the project search
Hey guys!
My name is Brooklyn Collins, and I've been using Khan Academy for a couple years now. Overall, I'd say that Khan Academy is very effective at giving me the help I need, it's a great supplement for learning done at school and I like that it spans multiple subject and topics.
I do have a couple suggestions.
1. I feel like it could be a little more rewarding. You want something that keeps people engaged in learning right? Khan Academy has done that so far, but what if we could expand on it a little?
- Exclusive Badges! - Maybe there could be badges that you for competing certain learning goals, but they can only be earned in a limited amount of time. I know that I love having badges that are harder to get than others, and I'd be willing to bet that other people would be all over that idea.
- A leaderboard! - What if you guys somehow made it so that there was a leaderboard that showed how many points a certain person earned in a certain amount of time (Like 24 hour, weekly, and maybe monthly leaders). I feel like that would make a lot of people want to learn more, and then maybe they'd be on the site more often then they usually are. Maybe it'll lead to more people become patrons of the site.
- New Avatars! - Again, maybe you can earn them by completing different learning goals (I have no idea what those might be, but I'll think of some and elaborate.). We've had the same avatars for a while now, and I was kind of hoping that we could get some more here in the near future. I you guys need it, then I'll give you some ideas on where I'm going with this.
2. Navigation.
- I know that currently there isn't a way to see people's projects without having to search up the actual page on google, I feel like this is something that could be changed. And maybe a way to view people's profiles without having to look at the comment section of a video and click on their names.
That's all that comes to mind at the moment, but I'll be shooting out more ideas as I continue my journey through all of the Khan Academy topics.
Thanks again!
Brooklyn Collins
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