Why am I not able to get the badge "tesla"?
Below down it shows i have 10 million energy points but i have 0 black hole badges
It looks like you went into the website's page source and changed your total points XD. Are you sure you have 10,000,000?
Hi Phantom,
I just checked your profile, and it seems that you now have the badge. I don't know how you did that but congrats.
Yeah I got the badge now but you see I joined khan academy 2 yrs ago
but you know that badge called sequoia or redwood
it's not showing up
Has it been exactly or more than two years?
I messgaed the help center they said I joined December 2018
Ok, so that means that at least two years later: December 2020. You'll get the Redwood Badge in December, officially marking two years of membership to KA.
And Blrooklyn im sure i have the badge look at my profile https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/PhantomGhostX/
and thanks
no problem
Awesome job! Hopefully I can get there eventually.
How'd you do it Phantom? The 11 mil points.
well the intro to js and advanced js challenges give you a lot of energy points per challenge
I think they give 2100 energy points per challenge
and I do math a lot
also if you do the course challenges in khan academy I hear those give you energy points too
Very helpful post.
Did you press check for new badges and avatars
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