0 Flags Raised?
I raised flags on some comments, but in my profile, it says '0 flags raised' even though I have raised flags. Can anyone please help me and explain what is wrong?
That happens to me as well sometimes...
probably your account has an error. And people would have to flag wisely on post and comments that are Inappropriate!
Hello @All!
According to what I can say due to this issue is that your account has to go through a support quere to verify that your activity tab can display your flag count. Here is a post related to this https://support.khanacademy.org/hc/en-us/community/posts/115006257627-profile-flag in the 'Help Centre'. You can get help or understand more. Graphipedia, the problem does not come from accpunt error; A user might also be flagged once that may occur that situation.
-Hope this helps,
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