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As part of our Support Community improvement project, we’re preserving inactive posts that have historical or community value and closing them to new comments. This is one of them!
If this post covers a topic that you’re interested in discussing with the community or requests a feature you’d like to see on Khan Academy, you can try to find an active post about it and add your thoughts (or feel free or create a new post if it doesn’t yet exist in the forum).
I understand that you'd like to get some guidance on the recommended sequence of courses you should follow for Electrical Engineering. This is a great question; however, we are not qualified to provide specific advice on what to study or provide guidance as to what makes the most sense for you to work on.People who know about your work and your goals are in the best position to determine what would be best for you. We recommend checking with your teachers, your school, or others who are familiar with how you work and what you want to accomplish to choose the right material for you.
In addition, I encourage you to learn at your own pace, as it is one of the missions Khan Academy has as a learning platform. Click here and check out seven tips for making the most out of Khan Academy. :)
Best of luck!
Community Support
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