Content Update: May 2019 (Ancient History, AP History & Economics)
Looking for updates in Ancient and Medieval History and AP courses?
(Image caption: Justin Timberlake of N'Sync singing 'It's gonna be May!')
Well, it was May. Here are the great updates our courses saw last month:
In Arts and Humanities
Ancient Mediterranean (Videos)
Medieval Europe + Byzantine (Video)
AP US History (Exercises)
- Economy from 1945 to 1960
- Culture from 1945 to 1960
- Early steps in the civil rights movement, 1940s and 1950s
- America as a world power
- The Great Society
- The African American Civil Rights Movement, 1960s
- The Cold War (1945-1980)
- The Red Scare
In Computing
AP Computer Science Principles (Articles)
- AP CSP vocabulary flash cards
- AP CSP exam pseudocode reference
- Exploring microcomputers
- Creative commons and open source
- Global participation in science
- Copyright, DRM, and the DMCA
- Sharing science research online
- Scientific computing and simulation
In Economics and Finance
AP Microeconomics (Videos)
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