Use Khan Academy's API to get the number of challenges completed within a specific computer programming curriculum
I give my students two grades for Khan Academy. One of these grades is based on the number of challenges they complete within a specific computer programming course. Unfortunately, I do not see a way to access this information for my students using the API. As a consequence, I've had to build a python/selenium script that literally goes to the progress page for each student and extract the number of completed challenges for that course. For a variety of reasons that I won't go into, it takes the script an hour or so to run. I'd like to make a simple request to the API to get the following:
Get the number of completed challenges within the Intro to JS course that each of my students in a given class have completed since January 1st 2018.
If I could make a couple requests like that, it should only take a couple minutes for my script to get the data that I need.
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