Changing the display name in the roster
If I change the display name in order to alphabetize the scoring report, do the students see the change or is it only displayed on coaches screen?
The tricky part about that is the students may change their display names as well. A few years ago my students got really excited about this feature and started giving themselves nicknames. I ended up having to put the kibosh on this because I had no idea which account matched which student. I am pretty certain they see the change as well (at least that used to be correct) because they would get upset when they noticed I changed it back. I am all for individuality and creativity, but "Soccerdude11" doesn't help me at all. :)
It shows up just on the teacher screen. Students cannot see it. However, you will see their original username next to their e-mail in your roster screen.
I definitely agree with you. I was hoping to number the roster so I could account for students more easily with the new assignment reports. The reports are really easy to read and it would be helpful to have it coordinated my LMS.
Mr. Phillips - Good to hear! That used to be quite a concern!
I believe this problem has been solved. If a student changes their username, it will not change their student name in your teacher account. Additionally, you can still see the new name in your account next to the e-mail, separated by a comma.
Thanks everyone!
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