Possible to do text to voice for early ages/grades?
I just signed up my Preschool and Kindergarden age children up for Khan Academy. They love the math stuff. But unfortunately, kids of this age are typically just barely learning how to read and have a LOT of trouble reading the questions. It's such a problem that the questions become a challenge about reading instead of the intended challenge about math. Even if they know the answer easily but can't read all the words in the question, then they get it wrong and become frustrated very quickly. It's really bad because they can easily do this type of math but still get it wrong because of the words in the sentence.
So my question, has Khan Academy considered building in some sort of text-to-speech system for questions? Something so that kids can listen to the question (and I guess the possible answers) and then pick an answer? This would help tremendously with all questions in the Early Age, Kindergarden and 1st Grade levels. Maybe even the 2nd grade levels.
This would also come in very handy for mentally handicapped users who are in need of accessibility options.
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