Community Update: March 2018 Programming Contest Winners! (Fantasy Landscape)
We kicked off the first round of Challenge Council-led programming contests in March 2018 with the challenge to create your most imaginative Fantasy Landscape program. The amount and quality of submissions we received was overwhelming and humbling, but after much deliberation the Council managed to select the finalists (shown in each category in no particular order). I highly recommend clicking through to the project page itself so that you can read more about the respective programmers and the techniques they used.
Congrats to the winners, and to everyone who entered! Remember: you never lose. Either you win or you learn.
Advanced Bracket
Desolate Plains by M K Z D
Nibel by Weather
Crystals of the Cliff by Liloo
Intermediate Bracket
The Land Behind the Wall by Sadie
Peaceful Lake by Talha Muhib
Trees of the Roasting Desert by Fisch
Beginner Bracket
Iceland by Australism
Fantasy Landscape by Madelena
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