New Badges for Better Learning Impetus + Retired Badges
Hello there,
I have been on a mission for badges recently, and I have noticed through viewing other users' profiles that they have a lot of badges that are retired / discontinued. I have questions about a few of them, such as why they were retired, and if we could bring them back.
Oracle, gained by posting over 100 answers that received 3+ votes, would encourage users to post good and thoughtful answers over and over again. Other badges in this set include Guru, Sensei, Excellent Teacher, and Incredible Teacher.
1000 Kelvin:
This one is understandable, as the top spot on the Hot List has become less and less hard to achieve. However, it feels like at least some recognition should be made for this accomplishment, as the very top is still quite difficult to receive. If, instead of a Moon Badge, this badge could be a challenge patch or something, that would be nice.
Good Question
Like Good Answer, Good Question was if you asked a question that garnered over 10 votes. This badge would encourage users to ask good, insightful questions that others would agree with. Other badges in this set include Great Question & Incredible Question.
Da Vinci
Da Vinci, received for gaining mastery in 500 unique skills, was an extension of the set that currently contains Magellan, Sally Ride, Copernicious, Kepler, Hypatia, and Newton. Da Vinci motivates users to keep pushing after 400 skills.
Millionare + Ramanujan
These badges were received for getting 1 & 2 million energy points, and were both Sun Badges.
New Badge Requests
I don't understand all of that goes into Khan Academy Badge design, but I know it must be complicated. If new badges are added in the near future, please consider the following:
Nice Answer - Meteorite Badge
A continuation of the "Good Answer" chain, Nice Answer would be for an answer that receives 5+ votes.
[Name] - Black Hole Badge
Release 500 programs that receive 10+ votes
Prodigy - Sun Badge
Release 150 programs that receive 10+ votes
[Name] - Earth Badge
Release 100 programs that receive 10+ votes
[Name] - Moon Badge
Release 50 programs that receive 10+ votes
Thank you for reading this, and thank you for all you do! :D
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