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Hi Menelogz!
The chemistry library is not necessarily designed to function as a course, but more of a collection of all the content in a specific area. This is true for the other libraries on the site, such as the biology library and physics library. For example, the biology library may house content from both AP Biology and High School Biology. These libraries simply hold the content, allowing you to find exercises, videos, and articles under a specific topic more easily.
For chemistry, the AP Chemistry course may provide a more structured learning flow that is similar to the standard Khan Academy design that you are describing.
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Like just duplicate the original chemistry library then change it to the new KA design, not remove the old one
Thank you Allison F. Here, You already answered part of my question, but could you please tell me if we need to study the chemistry library to follow physics at Uni? or if this part is only a good cover for the other Chemistry courses at Khan Academy?
Thank you.
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