creating a course using Khan Academy resources
Hi, I will be teaching two 2-credit (7-week) courses in the Spring 2024 semester at a small liberal arts college called Introductory Topics (math). This course is assigned to students who didn't do well in their math placement exam. I'd like to create a course using Khan Academy resources that will be challenging and rewarding. I have a few questions. I'd like to assign a few topics (i.e., financial literacy and finance and capital markets) and I'd also like to give students choice to pick another Khan Academy topic that interests them. My questions are: how much time is reasonable for students to complete the financial literacy course and the finance and capital markets course? Is it too much to expect them to complete these 2 courses plus a few units of another math course that interests them in 7 weeks? I'm also thinking of using their mastery points to establish their grade (i.e., 95% of 4000 = 3800); but I don't know what is a reasonable amount of mastery points to expect students to complete in 7 weeks. I would love to how other teachers have made similar decisions and how you've established reasonable benchmarks for a course. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
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