I was thinking that you should upgrade khan-academy and make it have a different style to it. Also i thought that you should let us create our own character/ Avatar
As part of our Support Community improvement project, we’re preserving inactive posts that have historical or community value and closing them to new comments. This is one of them!
If this post covers a topic that you’re interested in discussing with the community or requests a feature you’d like to see on Khan Academy, you can try to find an active post about it and add your thoughts (or feel free or create a new post if it doesn’t yet exist in the forum).
Could you make it where it still enters your question when you press enter?
Because now Khan Academy has more skills you can master, (especially in MATH), it would be awesome if you guys could add more mastery badges to Khan Academy. Da Vinci is the highest one so far, if there could be like one for 450, 500, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 900, 950, 1000, etc. Also, if there could be a.) a challenge patch for completing the world of math, or b.) a sun badge for completing the world of math. Remember, these are just suggestions, you do what you want. Thanks. Bye.
I think there should be challenge patches for the subject grammar. Like one when you finish "Part of Speech: Nouns," "Punctuation: the comma and the apostrophe," and so forth. Please take my advice. Thanks. Bye.
I think a very important upgrade that should be done to the Khan Academy app is to develop a discussion board within the app consisting of teachers of Khan Academy and students learning from Khan Academy so that teachers can address important questions which shall be posted by students and vice versa.
Maybe they should pause the video automatically when Sal says "pause the video and see if you can do it on your own" and then show us the question Sal gave us so we can try to answer it... there must be two options below the question and the blank space for us to fill and answer: "I can do it on my own" or "I cannot do it on my own".
Topic videos :
Videos involving mathematics (Most levels) are tutored brilliantly by PatrickJMT he has his own website but also uses YouTube. He is also non-profit and relies on donations. He has helped me pass my first year maths in university and continues to help to this day. Please give him a look and I`m sure he will outshine all expectations.
I sincerely request Khan academy to see PatrickJMT`s vdeos on YouTube or his website .Thank you for reading my comment :) !!!
Hello, I think it has been sais already but it would be great if more avatars where available ( upgrades at 50 skills,100...).
Also the all the practice session/mastery challenges are really well done, work perfectly without lag on my 6y.o iphone ^^,like you can catch up to the question you where on after quiting it to watch a lesson!
In the integration section, there should be questions on how to integrates sin(3x)*cos(x) i.e. using the products to sums identity.
Since Khan Academy has so may Test Preps, maybe they could do one for the act. This would be greatly appreciated
Hello Sir,
First of all thank you so much for coming up with an idea of free education and executing it really very well.I am a student from India and your videos help me a lot.. it’s like a gold mine for me where there is plenty of topics to learn and expand one’s knowledge .
However , I would like to make a suggestion , can you please upload video lectures for professional courses syllabus like Financial risk manager, Certified Financial Analyst especially Valuations of risk model & Quantitative Analysis (FRM part I Syllabus) as it would be very helpful for the one’s like me , who are doing self study .
The way you teach ,makes even the difficult concept easy to understand .
Hope to see the change soon.
Once again , Thank you Sir.
can you guys put a restart button on the missions/assignments? i wish i could restart because sometimes ill mess up or misread a number or miscalculate a problem and i will not take anything lower than a 100
Linsey Austin, there are a few topics here in the Support Community suggesting just this thing. Someone representing Khan Academy got on what is now probably a couple of months ago now saying she would have something to report sooner or later, but most likely sooner. But nothing has happened yet. I suspect that there are some strong opponents of this among the Khan Academy leadership, and they haven’t been fully convinced of its merits yet.
Hello! I really like using Khan Academy. However, I think it would be cool if you added courses on music theory. Thanks!
It would be amazing if you could make a new section on computer programming for machine learning in JS.
there is a very important chapter missing from the chemistry section of khan academy, its dative covalent boding a.k.a coordinate bonding
I'm a teacher who recently started using Khan Academy more than I previously did due to COVID-19. I teach high school special needs students and when I assign a new mastery skill, my students can see that I assigned "1st grade math" for them to master. While I know that they are on a 1st grade level mathematically, it's hard for me to have this conversation with my special needs students that they can't do high school level work. Would it be possible to not include the grade on the students home page so that they don't know what they are working towards? My student emailed me today and I had a gut wrenching conversation with him about how we have to work our way up to high school math and he was telling me that he's not a baby. It just broke my heart.
Thank you!
Can you please make a reset button so instead of having to spam wrong answers and click 'skip for now' every time you get an answer wrong(because thats the only way to reset the test) because it's quite annoying to have to spam every time you miss click or get an answer wrong to reset the test.
please add a reset button please.
Can you please make a reset button so instead of having to spam wrong answers and click 'skip for now' every time you get an answer wrong(because thats the only way to reset the test) because it's quite annoying to have to spam every time you miss click or get an answer wrong to reset the test.
please add a reset button please.
Thank you!
Can you please make a reset button so instead of having to spam wrong answers and click 'skip for now' every time you get an answer wrong(because thats the only way to reset the test) because it's quite annoying to have to spam every time you miss click or get an answer wrong to reset the test.
please add a reset button please.
Thank you!
It really is the user’s fault for getting a question wrong. Especially in tests, you’ve never seen anyone restart in the middle of it. At the end, when you finished answering the questions, you can retake the test.
zachary.renshaw santiago.montoya Rafael.Ricardo First of all, if you are the same person, you only should post your message once. If you are different people, the 2nd and 3rd of you posting a suggestion you liked made by the 1st one, it is best to express this in your own words. At least the 2nd person had the courtesy to add a "Thank you!" By posting virtual duplicates, it shows to Khan Academy that you don't have much to say on this issue and are copying what someone else says.
It is not that difficult to make a careless mistake on a question, especially when using an unfamiliar device. It's true that on written tests, you don't see anyone restarting in the middle. But on a computer or mobile device, it is not uncommon that for someone to make a device-caused mistake.
Anyway, this came up in another topic more than two years, maybe almost three years, ago. It had a lot of support. But Khan Academy decided a few months ago that it didn't fit in with their educational standards and turned it down.
zachary.renshaw Thanks for the clarification that you are all friends. I'm glad that the three of you thought highly enough about this issue that all of you posted about it. I think it would be a great convenience, too. Unfortunately, Khan Academy doesn't think so.
Rafael.Ricardo Yes, I get that you're not the same person! And, yes, I have misclicked or typed a wrong number by mistake, which is why I support your suggestion. Unfortunately, after many others posted in favor of this in another topic, Khan Academy turned it down.
Hello! I have heard that many users select a video, mute it and do something else to gain energy points. Can you make a feature where looping or muting videos cannot be done? Also, will you plan to add more languages in the Computer Programming section? Thanks!
Khan academy I know you're probably not gonna read this so everyone else just listen here, there's no point in writing these and I know what your thinking now, Santiago whatever your name is your writing something here yeah but I'm trying to inform you khan academy don't read these have they ever listened to you and put down a suggestion you put down so why do it? Think about this have you ever put down a suggestion and your idea was answered? Think about it
I would like the unit tests to be in smaller increments rather then one long test because me and my young siblings have found it hard to sit though a thirty question test and not lose interest in it.
I suggest adding accounting videos, and other Test Prep courses for the GMAT, GRE, CMA (Certified Management Accountant), CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), CPA (Certified Public Accountant), and CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner).
For the accounting videos, you could do it over college courses, such as introduction to managerial and financial accounting, intermediate 1 & 2, advanced financial reporting, audit, tax, forensic accounting, etc.
I think it will be great if we can bookmark some videos or putting them into a folder. Sometimes there are concepts that people may want to review again later. I think it may be easier to access these contents that way :)
Thank you for uploading these quality videos!
They helped a lot.
I think that a good idea would be to make an ability test for students who often switch schools that have different curriculums or in different countries. They could enter the grade that they're supposed to be in and do a test that shows them what materials and areas they're missing.
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