Physics problems
What do we have to do to get Physics questions on here. I like in the Math sections how you can workout problems, but there isn't any in the physics section and I would like to see that in the future.
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I too would really appreciate an expansion in the sciences. Specifically physics because that is the area in which I am learning now, however in each of the sciences I believe it i both necessary and reasonable that there be practice problems. I think it would be an incredible next step in the journey of teaching. It would increase comprehension levels and result in much quicker learning of material if one were able to practice and check the knowledge they have picked up in real time. The math section of Khan Academy has long been the high point of this organization, but adding practice problems such as these to the site would take your mission to the next level and I implore you to please consider this expansion as soon as possible.
Many thanks!
plz provide practice problems for physics
Please add physics problems which coincide with the videos!!!
Having science missions would be very useful!
Please, yes! Physics problems!
Yes where are the physics problems! I agree they need practice in physics in particular!
I agree. Khan academy owes its success to the ability to not only teach but to reinforce knowledge and right now, the reinforcement is non-existent in the sciences. Physics seems to be the logical first step, as it is similar to math and should, therefore, be an easy transition to make, I implore Khan Academy to divert some of its attention away from expanding the practice problems in math and towards adding them to Physics and eventually all other subjects. Thank you.
I implore too....
Edit: there is a link in the top of the page that says "Report a problem" but let you to submit a request. Below you have a link, perhaps if we try using that via we´ll get a positive result.
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