Newton - Raphson method lesson is in Khan academy?
I was looking for a lesson about Newton - Raphson method. However, i didn't found something related about.
Someone knows a possibility to add a lesson of this topic? Thx
You should be able to easily find YouTube videos on most math topics you are interested in.
However it can definitely be worth while to have a lesson on newton's method so everything is in one place.
Wait until you see Sweeny-Robertson-Tocher division. I actually figured out how to do it without a look-up table—a 60-year-old problem everyone's been trying to solve, took me 2 hours, they were thinking about it wrong and the answer is trivially obvious.
It's basically Newton-Rhapson with negative digits.
It's a computer division algorithm that's fairly fast, problem being charging up the look-up table is slow, and you need to complete the q-digit lookup before you can start adding, multiplying, and inverting bits, so the entire lookup is in the critical path. Calculating the digits arithmetically requires division, and is a long and ungodly slow operation. It's a little tricky at first though yeah.
You're right, there are lots of videos explaining it ><, I just enjoy the Khan Academy way to introduce math topics.
Anyways, I owe you one.
:0 there are lots of unknown math information. Seems like are from Russian books Xdd
I've never realized about it.
I'll keep it in mind. Thanks mate.
Edit: That's a division algorithm, seems simple but it's a lil bit tricky :0
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