How do you get the Winston and Baby Winston avatars?
I can't seem to figure out how to get these badges, I've tried a couple different things but none are working.
to unlock Winston, you need to make a spin-off of any scratchpad. i am not quite sure what this means, but when i go to select an avatar and hover over Winston, that is what it says.
I need Winston, as It is the rarest badge in the game
This is how I got Winston:
I first clicked "courses" and then clicked "computer programming". Then I scrolled down to "browse projects" and clicked it. Then I scrolled down to the "based on the official projects" section. I randomly clicked a project there. Then scroll down slightly, and click on the project it was based of. Mess around with the code, and after you done that, click spin-off and then the done button. Wait till tomorrow, cause you have to wait until you get it. Might not work though, but it did to me. If it did, congrats! You now have the Winston avatar, and the Mad Scientist badge!
If you want to get Baby Winston, click on courses and then click on computer programming. Scroll down to "browse projects" and then click it. Then you click on any project and then spin-off. Again, wait till tommorow. There you go! And because I'm not an expert, I don't know everything, but I can tell you that.
(Why am I not using Winston? I like the avatar I am using better. Maybe in the future, I will change my avatar, and this will be wrong.)
I don't remember how I received this badge.
Here's how u get Winston:
Step 1: Go to courses -> Computing section -> See all computing -> Computer programming
Step 2: Open an random project and spin-off
Step 3: Wait for an day.
Step 4: Good job! You got winston!
(I'm not sure if this is accurate or not. Sorry if it's not)
For the Baby Winston hunters,
Copy this link, then click on any project. This will pull up a picture with some text to its left.
If you don't know how to code, do not be intimidated, you wont have to.
click anywhere in the text beside the image, and type some letters, numbers, or even some spaces. Changing the text in any way will do.
at the bottom right of the page you should see a button that says "spin off" or "save" or something, click that and then save your project.
this doesn't mess up the original project so don't worry!
I have not found a way to edit any official projects, I assume it is somewhere in the computer programming courses. Good luck, and don't thank me, just go learn some coding ;)
it Worked
it sure did! ;)
to get Baby Winston:
1. Go to Courses at the top left of your screen
2. Scroll down till you find Computer Programming
3. Once you are in computer programming, scroll down to Browse Projects.
4. Then hit any random Project and play with the codes.
for example: fill( then pick one
I hope this Helped ;)
To get winston or baby winston,
1. Go to courses
2. Scroll down and go to computer programming
3. Scroll down and click browse projects
4. If you want winston, click a random project at the top or if you want baby winston, go down and click any project in "based on the official projects"
5. Change the code in any way
6. Click spin-off and then save
7. Go to your "learner home"
8. Go to your profile
9. Click "check for new badges and avatars" which is located in "badge counts"
And voila, you have winston or baby winston (you can delete your spin-off if you want to)
Yeah, this worked for me!
it didnt work yet
i have winston
I have all the avatars
It’s meeeee
Hey you there
Want baby Winston?
This is how I got Winston:
I first clicked "courses" and then clicked "computer programming". Then I scrolled down to "browse projects" and clicked it. Then I scrolled down to the "based on the official projects" section. I randomly clicked a project there. Then scroll down slightly, and click on the project it was based of. Mess around with the code, and after you done that, click spin-off and then the done button. Then go back to the main page and click on your badges. Then click, "Check for new badges and avatars" and you got it. If it doesn't work, wait a day
I couldn't find out how to get regular Winston, but I'm fine with baby Winston then. I tried already changing some code of a Java course "Animal Attack" to try and get Winston by editing an official program, because for some reason they swapped what you need to do to get either one of them. I got baby Winston by spinning-off a user's project and not an original one, and now I can't find how to spin-off an original project. I haven't waited a day yet, though, so maybe it'll show up tomorrow.
it worked
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