Update (May 2018): New Unit Mastery [beta testing]
This article was updated with more current information on May 17, 2018.
Some learners who visit a unit page in their math subject will see a new system for making progress in their learning: Unit mastery. You can see the article with this information in the Help Center here.
Note: This feature is currently being tested and is only available to a small percentage (1%-5%) of learners. The designs below may change.
The Unit page has several new elements, which are labeled in the image above:
- The total Mastery Points available in this unit (for example, 1200 points on this unit--100 for each skill in the unit)
- A colorful bar across the top that tracks your progress through Levels 1 - 6.
- A left-hand column that contains the Skill Summary, which enables you to see your progress on each skill.
- Under Practice you can also see your progress from Familiar to Proficient to Mastered on each skill.
Each skill is worth a total of 100 Mastery Points. As you practice skills and answer questions in Quizzes and Unit tests, your level for that skill will go up (or down, if you miss questions in a Quiz or Unit test). Moving to Familiar will earn you 50 of the 100 points. Leveling up to Proficient will get you to 80 points. Become Mastered in a skill to collect the total 100 available Mastery Points.
You can reach these levels in the following ways:
- Not started: This just means you haven't practiced the skill on Khan Academy yet!
- Struggling: You've practiced the skill but scored lower than 70% (didn't reach a higher level).
- Familiar (50 Mastery Points): Get 70% or more correct when practice a skill, or get a skill correct on a Quiz or Unit test.
- Proficient (80 Master Points): Get a skill that you are Familiar with correct on a Quiz or Unit test, or get 100% on a Quiz.
- Mastered (100 Mastery Points!): Get a skill that you are Proficient in correct on the Unit test
If you already know some of the content in the unit, it’s totally fine to jump ahead to a Quiz or unit test and prove your knowledge. Quizzes and unit tests are also the fastest way to level up your skills because you can move up multiple levels at once by getting questions on these activities correct.
Unit Mastery Levels
Unit mastery levels are based on the percentage completion in the Unit
- At Level 1 you have completed less than 25%
- Level 2 indicates between 25% and 49% completion.
- Level 3 indicates between 50% and 74% completion.
- Level 4 indicates between 75% and 89% completion.
- Level 5 (which is considered Mastery) indicates 90% to 99% completion.
- You reach Level 6 when you reach 100% unit completion!
Can you lose points or skill levels, and how does that work?
Regardless of your current level (Familiar, Proficient, or Mastered), you may lose Mastery Points and go down in skill level if you get a question related to that skill wrong on a Quiz or Unit test. However, getting questions incorrect while practicing will not cause you to lose Mastery Points or go down a level.
How does this connect to Missions mastery?
With Khan Academy missions, you also practice a skill multiple times in order to master the skill. The new Unit Mastery progress corresponds to your progress in a Mission. Here are how the levels correspond:
In the Missions system, a skill that is Practiced or Level One will appear as Familiar in Unit Mastery.
Mastery is not easily earned, and that’s intentional. But putting in the work to achieve it will prove you’ve earned (and learned!) it. We hope those of you in the new Unit Mastery system will enjoy leveling up your skills and reaching 100% Unit Mastery.
We hope those of you in the new Unit Mastery system will enjoy leveling up your skills and reaching 100% Unit Mastery. We’d love to hear everyone’s feedback on this new system.
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