Export Scores to Google Class
I am a coach and my classes are synced to Google Classroom. Is there a way to export Khan Academy scores to Google Class? Thanks.
Do you want to export you or your students' scores?
yes, from Khan to Google
Hmm, I am not sure. I will ask someone I know who is a part of the Support Advocacy team, and hopefully he will respond here and try to answer your question.
Same question. I would like to export to Google Classroom. It looks like my students are not exporting to Google classroom.
Greetings all, I'd add my name to the list of interested teachers; we're likewise synced to Google Classroom (GC). I see *.csv forms of assignment metrics export available, but am interested in direct export / extraction of student performance (grades) into GC tables. Thanks for work on our behalf.
Hello(to all persons concerned),
I just wanted to let you guys know that someone in the Khan Academy team is going to be getting back to you, and trying to help you guys figure out how to do what you are doing. Just keep an eye on your email, and you will be notified when they comment below.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions, and I will try to answer them! :)
You can export assignments but not scores that I know of! https://khanacademy.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000170227-How-can-I-share-Khan-Academy-content-to-my-classes-on-Google-Classroom-
Well....any updates? Is it possible to push the scores/import scores directly into GC?
I am also trying to export scores to google classroom. Any help yet?
Dustin (Khan Academy Help Center) Nov 9, 13:48 PST Hi Nicole,
It's wonderful to know that you're using Khan Academy as a teacher to share your knowledge with your students! I understand you'd like to have the ability to download your students' scores as an Excel spreadsheet. Great news! Khan Academy does offer you the ability to download your students' scores as a .csv file. To do so, please follow these steps:
I hope this helps! If there's anything else I can do for you, feel free to reach back! Dustin |
Is there a way to export multiple assignments in one try?
From what I have seen, there is very little integration between Khan Academy and Google Classroom. It offers a lot of promise, but really the only integration is the importing and updating of class rosters from Classroom to KA. It's a real shame because they really only exist as separate entities with minimal communication between them. I think a lot of teachers see a KA/GC combination as offering a lot more than it really does.
Strong agreement on Carl's comment from a math class in south Texas! Thanks all for keeping this thread going. - WAM
Awesome! Thanks for this information. I've been downloading the entire work history/ deleting assignment so that I only had current information. This helps so much. I really appreciate this information.
This feature would make grading so much more efficient. Right now most of my time is spent tabbing back and forth to transfer grades from Khan Academy assignments into our school’s grade book application. @KhanAcademy please prioritize this feature. Does anyone know if you could create a web scraper in Excel to pull the data from Khan Academy? Then at least we wouldn’t have to enter grades assignment by assignment.
What I've been doing to reduce the number of grade entries drastically is to click on "Progress" and then use the section scores instead. It's not going to be as informative as the individual scores, but if you choose to use the aggregate score, it'll at least give you a big picture of how much students are learning. I created a rubric to make the transfer of grades easier as well.
Just adding my vote to light a fire and get direct exporting from Khan to Google classroom -- c'mon, Khan and Google, it's 2019!!!
I also want to see export of KA scores to GC. Best case scenario: if assignment is given from KA it automatically links to GC, then automatically export scores from KA to GC -- updates every time a score changes.
YES PLEASE! I have been avoiding using KA because it is so time consuming to bring scores into GC. Integration would be amazing!
Well, I guess I will keep the chain going. Here is hoping it will happen.
Me too the whole reason I set up a google classroom was so that I could link the grades! I thought that was what update the link was meaning oh well. Please help Khan Academy!
I just experimented with KA and GC. I can add an assignment from KA to my GC, but the grades are not recorded. Since I have the assignment in my KA account, I did get the grade through KA.
Another app I use is CK-12.org. I can add an assignment from CK-12 to GC and it does send grades to GC, but kids have to click a Turn In button after the practice.
I found a way to post them, although it's a bit tedious. I click on "manage" assignments and then the "completed" column of the assignment. I highligh the entire report that pops up. I then paste that whole report into Word. I am then able to copy only the "best score" column, which I directly paste into either a table in word or excel. It lines up with each student's name in that column. It takes about a minute but it works. One last weird thing: Make sure that all of the students last names are capitalized. The ones that are not capitalized show up at the end of the report, even if they are ahead alphabetically. You can capitalize their last names yourself by going to the "students" tab on the class page and hitting "edit name," which appears on the right if you hover over it with your mouse.
Any progress on syncing KA scores with Google Classroom?
Same, I would love to have a direct export!
Chiming in here to keep the thread current. With everything going on with COVID-19 & school closures, it would be SO beneficial to have a KA/GC direct sync of grades. Students, teachers, parents, administrators, etc can see the progress instantly between the two platforms. It'll be less time consuming and less back and forth work for us the teachers keeping grades and such up to date. Please, please, PLEASE Khan Academy make this work!
Yes, PLEASE. Teachers are drowning right now with transitioning to "home learning" amid this COVID-19 pandemic. We need this functionality. KA classes and Google Classroom classes need to talk to each other! Thank you.
PLEASE I agree. This is the most urgent need for us all. Once scores are in google classroom, I can then sync the grades with our district grade system (synergy). So this would be instant grading and feedback for families!
I think teachers everywhere would appreciate a better link between KA and GC! Help us out!
Also, I posted a KA assignment in my GC, but now I don't see the assignment once I log in to KA. Is that how it works? It's either in one place or the other? I can't even see how kids did.
No, you can't. Khan only posts into Google Classroom. It doesn't set it up as an assignment on either platform. It's basically a link to the Khan Academy practice in Google.
I make my assignments in Khan Academy so that I can see the progress. I will post in my Google Classroom to login to Khan Academy and check their assignments in Khan Academy. It's a bummer!
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