Middle School Science?
I'm a middle school science teacher and would love to see 6-8 curriculum for my kids. I have kids who range from below grade level to above grade level.
Great news! Please check out this update for our new Middle School Science courses - https://support.khanacademy.org/hc/en-us/community/posts/5199479211021-Content-Update-For-the-first-time-Middle-school-science-from-Khan-Academy-
I'm not a science teacher, but as a parent of a middle schooler I'd also love to see a science 6-8 curriculum.
I would also love to see Middle School science content on Kahn Academy. It is possible to pull some content out of the existing High school science content. I would use Kahn Academy more if the science content was more at a middle school level.
What are middle school teachers using? Are you using the high school content and just limiting the topics assigned or is there a middle school area that is being overlooked?
I just got here and as a middle school science teacher am not sure how to use this. :(
I am also looking for science material for middle school. The high school content is not aligned with middle school curriculum and too difficult for middle school. We would love science videos dedicated to middle school science.
Thank you!
Would love middle school LS, ESSI, and PS tied to NGSS.
Is it possible to add science for the younger kids for all elementary and middle school grades? I know there is a lot to cover but even just the basics for each grade from 1-8 would be much appreciated
Yes! Please, please, please create a middle school 6-8 curriculum on Khan! There truly aren't many middle school science programs as robust as Khan that allows for differentiation and student data tracking (from either independent organizations or through our districts). Sure, there are sites out there, but as teachers, we need to have great programs such as Khan Academy. Seems we teachers have to create everything online on our own (which takes soooooo much time). Please consider adding middle school science topics to your programming. Thanks!
Now with so many students learning remotely it would greatly help middle school science teachers, like myself, if there was NGSS middle school standards covered. Is this at all possible?
My 6th grade daughter has been home from school due to illness. She showed me what she’s doing on Khan Academy.
I too agree with the others regarding middle school Science. There doesn’t seem to be anything. I believe this is much needed.
Any chance that courses are being worked on and be released soon?
I would also like middle school science courses very much. I really need to catch up on science, but I find the high school courses too difficult.
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