Orton Gillingham / Dyslexia Courses
In searching past posts, I only saw one other request for Orton Gillingham / multi-sensory structured literacy courses for dyslexic students. I believe Khan Academy would be the perfect forum for dyslexic students to learn! Schools are dropping the ball with dyslexic kids. My daughter, like many dyslexics, is 2E - twice exceptional. She is gifted and dyslexic. She appears to be an average student and will never qualify for support services in schools (she's not failing enough). She is going into 6th grade and her reading fluency is at a 2nd grade level. Tutors in Orton Gillingham run $60-$100 an hour and she needs 2-3 hours a week. Up to 20% of all kids have dyslexia. They are some of the most creative thinkers we have, and they need help that schools aren't providing. 80% of the prison population is dyslexic. Failure to learn to read has far-reaching and devastating effects. Please, Khan Academy, add some OG / mulitsensory structured literacy courses.
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