A way of Documenting and Remember what I learn
Hi Khan Academy Learners,
I have a question I use programming projects as a place to keep notes,formuls and information I learn on Khan Academy video's its been a trick I have used to practice my programming skills but most of all I designed a way for my brain to maintain the knowledge of what I learn sometimes I will even make text or background red so I it's highlighted for me to remember. The thing is the computer programming section has guidelines and sometimes my programs are of low quality or are particular notes and essays this is why I am wondering if there are any programs or tools you have used to keep tract of what you learn on Khan Academy?. Unfourtenly my brain glitches so I have learned to work with learning and adapt with the challenges the programming projects has been very valuable to me I notice I can remember allot of what I have learned over the course of a year even my overall grammar and others skills have developed the thing is eventually my programs may be hidden due to the fact they are low quality etc. for me I don't want votes or anyone to use my programs I just want to use the section as a tool to my learning.
If anyone knows of apps etc. That may offer the same solutions I would appreciate feedback.
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