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Praxis teacher tools guide


Our Praxis Teacher Tools enable you (as a teacher) to track your students’ Praxis test prep activity at Khan Academy and gain insights about their progress, empowering you to more effectively guide your students through their learning journey.

Setting up your class

To use Teacher Tools, you will first need a few things:

  1. Log in to your Khan Academy account or sign up for a new one (it’s free!). You will need the Teacher role enabled in your account.
  2. Create a new class. When you’re prompted to add courses for your class, select “Skip.”
  3. Add student(s) to your class.

For a step-by-step guide on how to get started at Khan Academy as a teacher, check out this article.

If you already have a Learner account at Khan Academy and you’d like to enable it as a Teacher account too, check out this article.

Enabling Teacher Tools

Once your class is ready, it's time to enable Teacher Tools! You can do this from your class’s Settings tab (on the left-hand side panel, under Admin).


On that tab, check the boxes that belong to the Praxis test your students are practicing for— Praxis Core Math, Praxis Core Reading, and/or Praxis Core Writing.


This will turn on Teacher Tools and add the Praxis tab to your class. Click on this new tab to display the different Praxis tests you picked for the class.


Understanding the Progress reports

Class Report

The Class Report provides a class-wide overview of your students’ activity and progress. To access the Class Report, first select the Praxis Test Prep test you’d like to check progress data for (either Praxis Core Math, Praxis Core Reading, or Praxis Core Writing).


The Class Report consists of the following fields:

  • Student: This is the display name set for each student. Clicking on a student’s name will redirect to the Individual Student Report— we’ll look at this report in further detail later.
  • Learning time: This is the combined learning time for a student across their activities for a given period of time
    • The class average in this column is the sum of the learning time of all students divided by the number of students.
  • Practice tasks passed/Completed: This is the ratio of skill practice tasks passed to skill practice tasks completed. Tasks are sets of questions; e.g., one task may consist of 10 questions.  
    • The class average in this column is calculated by taking the ratio of total passed to total completed tasks for all students in the class who have completed Praxis practice activities within the selected timeframe.
    • A student passes a task when they answer enough questions correctly in the task. Before the student begins a given task, they are informed how many questions they need to answer correctly to pass.
    • This column represents only skill practice tasks and does not include activities from full-length practice tests, timed mini-sections, or diagnostics.
  • # of skills level-ups (net): This is the net skill level-ups for a student. A student may level up or down for a skill depending on their performance in practice.  Net skill level-ups represent the aggregate of the skill movement, up or down.

By default, you will see data from all test subjects. You can view activity for a specific subject by selecting from the subject filter. You can also filter data in this report by custom date range.

Individual Student Report

When clicking an individual student’s name on the Praxis Class Report, you’ll be redirected to the Individual Student Report, which provides a view of the activity and performance of a specific student in your class.


This report consists of the following fields:

  • Activity: Activities include viewing articles, watching videos, or doing practice. Practice may be skill practice tasks, timed mini-sections, full-length practice tests, or diagnostics.
  • Date: When the activity occurred.
  • Level: Indication of specific skills worked on.  For each skill, there will be an indication of change (up or down) and current level. Click “Details” to see which specific skill levels changed (see screenshot below).
  • Change: Indication of the number of skills leveled up and/or down.
  • Correct/total problems: Sum of questions correct / sum of questions attempted.
  • Time: Amount of time spent on the activity, in minutes.


You can view the activity for another Praxis test by selecting from the content filter. You can also filter data in this report by custom date range.

The Individual Student report is also available for a student to see in their account; they can access it by going to their profile and clicking on Progress.


If you need more help with using Khan Academy, please visit our Help Center or let us know by submitting a support request. We’re happy to help!