How do I export a CSV file for my Khan Academy Districts + Learning Paths administrator reports?
District and school leaders who have access to Khan Academy Districts + Learning Paths reports have the ability to export CSV files with student data.
The CSV export includes the following for each activated student in the selected schools and date range:
- Total learning minutes on Khan Academy Districts + Learning Paths
- Total number of skills leveled up on Khan Academy Districts + Learning Paths recommended practice
- Total learning minutes on all Khan Academy content
- Total number of skills leveled up on all Khan Academy content
How do I export a CSV file with student data?
- Select Export Student Data from the left-hand navigation bar. This will take you to the Export Student Data page.
- Select the report type you want to export: Overall, Learning Paths, Learning Paths Skills Progress, or Khanmigo.
- All schools you have access to are included in the export by default. Use the School(s) dropdown menu to select a school or group of schools you want to include in your export.
- The default Date Range is Last 7 Days. Use the drop-down menu to select another date range or custom date range.
- By default, you will receive an email notification when your CSV file is ready for download. If you prefer not to receive an email, uncheck the box.
- Click the blue Export CSV File button.
- The exporting process can take up to 30 minutes, depending on the size of the file. You will see the Exporting CSV in progress screen while the file is generating.
On this screen, you will see your data parameter selections. If you’d like to change your selections, you can cancel the export in progress and start exporting a new CSV file.How do I download the CSV file when it’s ready?
Follow these steps to download the file:
- Return to the Export Student Data tab from the Left-hand Navigation bar. If the file has finished exporting, the page will automatically reload and display the CSV ready to download screen. On this screen, you will see your data parameter selections.
- Click the blue Download CSV button to download your file.
- Click the blue Export a new CSV link if you want to export a new file. When you export a new CSV file, the new file will replace the previous one.
How long can I access the CSV file?
The file will be available for download from the dashboard for 7 days, after which it will expire. If you’d like to utilize the file beyond the expiration date, you can save the file on your device or export the same file again from the dashboard.
Can I store multiple files in my account to access later?
At this time, only one CSV file is exportable at a time. When you export a new CSV file, the new file will replace the previous one.