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Why can’t I delete my Khan Academy Districts + Learning Paths class?


Teachers are able to delete their own grassroots classes with just a few steps, however, they won’t see the Delete this class option on their Khan Academy Districts + Learning Paths class settings. This is an intended behavior that is directly linked to the way the automated rostering feature works in those classes.

Because the automated rostering feature keeps your classes automatically in sync with those set by the district in the official roster, some features behave differently on your district-synced classes, including not being able to delete them directly from your account.

District-synced classes should remain on your account during the whole term. Once the term is done, they will be automatically removed as we stop the automatic rostering feature and prepare district accounts for the next Khan Academy Districts + Learning Paths term, as described in this article.

For more details on the automated district rostering and other differences you might notice in our district-synced classes, please refer to this guide.