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Activating your Khan Academy Districts teacher account


Welcome to Khan Academy Districts! We are so glad you're here. 

The first step towards using all Khan Academy Districts has to offer is setting up your districts-synced account. This process is called activation and it occurs when a Khan Academy account is successfully linked with the roster data we receive from Clever or ClassLink.

There are a few ways activation occurs:

1. Auto-activation 

If you already have a Khan Academy account that matches the rostered district email address on Clever or ClassLink, your account should automatically be activated with Khan Academy Districts! If your account was automatically activated, when you log in as usual to your Khan Academy account, you will see new "District-synced" classes on your Teacher Dashboard. Wahoo!  

2. Manual activation 

If you don't have a Khan Academy account, or have one that doesn't match the rostered district email address on Clever or ClassLink, manual activation is needed in order to sync the roster data with your Khan Academy account. No problem! Let's dive in on how to do this:

Quickest + Recommended Method:

-Activating through Clever Portal or ClassLink Launchpad

  • To do this, log into either the Clever Portal or ClassLink Launchpad with your district login credentials. Then find and click on the Khan Academy tile (this is also the recommended method for students to use)

  • You'll then be taken to the activation screen. Pause! This screen is very important. 
    • If you have an existing Khan Academy account you want your new district-synced classes to show up on, click the "Log into my account button"
    • If you don't have a Khan Academy account or want to make a brand new one that has your district-synced classes on it, click the "Create a new account" button 


  • That's it! You have an activated Khan Academy account and will see your district-synced classes on it. 

Other Manual Activation Methods:

  1. Using the Activation Email: This is sent to you when your district first rosters with Khan Academy Districts
    - Subject line: Confirm your official Khan Academy account
    - Sender: (check your spam + junk folders if you don't see it!)
    - Reminder: This is sent to the email address your district added to Clever or ClassLink for you (do you have two email addresses from your school? Check them both!)

    - You'll then be taken to the very important Activation Screen where you can create a new Khan Academy account, or log into an existing one you were already using and would like your new district-synced classes to appear on. 
  2. Using the "Continue with Clever" button on the Khan Academy signup page (for new users) or the Khan Academy Login page (for returning users)- On the next page, authenticate with your Clever credentials to proceed.

- You will be taken to the Khan Academy account activation page. Pause! This is the very important screen where you should log into an existing Khan Academy account if you'd like the new district-synced classes to show up there, or create a new account. 

  3. Ask the Support Team for help!

- We know you are juggling a lot as a teacher, and sometimes you just need to talk to a human. Please reach out to us if you:

  • Are unsure what email address your district rostered you with
  • Accidentally made a new account instead of activating your existing Khan Academy account 
  • Are lost and want to make sure you are doing the right thing 

We hope this article was helpful in getting you set up with Khan Academy Districts, and we are excited to get you started!