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How can I find courses that aren’t listed in the Explore menu?


Khan Academy covers many subjects and courses, but only some are displayed in the Explore menu drop-down. The Explore menu is updated periodically, so the list of courses there changes. However, there are many other ways that you can access courses that aren’t displayed there.

From your Learner Home

My courses

In your Learner Home, you’ll be able to find the My Stuff tab. This tab allows you to choose up to 9 courses to be displayed— including some courses that are not displayed in the Explore menu.

To add and remove courses from this view:

  1. Go to your Learner Home by clicking your name at the top of any page when you're logged in. If your account is set as a learner, this is the first page you're taken to when you log in.
  2. Under My Stuff, click Courses.
  3. Click on the "Edit Courses" button on the right-hand side of My Courses.
  4. A menu will display where you can un-check any subjects you previously had or check a subject to add it to your My Courses display.
  5. When ready, click on the blue button on the bottom-right side of the window displaying the total amount of subjects to display.

Please note that at least one course must be checked.




Resume learning

Also in the Learner Home, there’s a section below My Courses called Resume Learning. This section allows you to resume the latest courses and/or units you’ve worked on, regardless of if the courses are displayed on the Explore menu or not.



Browsing the domain page

From the Explore menu, you can also access a specific domain and see all the courses under it. For you to do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Click the Explore menu. The dropdown will appear.
  2. There, click on any domain (e.g., Math, Computing).
  3. You’ll be taken to a page where all the courses that fall into that domain are listed.
  4. Look for the course of your choice!



Using search

You can look for specific courses using the search bar available in the upper left-hand corner of any page at Khan Academy, next to Explore menu. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click the search bar on any page at Khan Academy.
  2. Type the course, unit, or piece of content you’re looking for. For example, Early math review.
  3. Click on the course, unit, or piece of content of your choice.



Using a direct link

If you have a direct link to a course, unit, or piece of content, you could use it to access the content. One way to save a direct link to a page is by saving it as a bookmark or a favorite in your browser.


For a complete guide on how to save a page as a bookmark or a favorite, click the name of your browser: