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Update: Khan Academy now available in Hungarian and Kannada! 🇭🇺🇮🇳


We are excited to announce the launch of two new Khan Academy language sites: Khan Academy Hungarian and Khan Academy Kannada! These two sites join 26 Khan Academy language sites that already exist and are still expanding and adding new translated content (see below for the full list). The vast majority of these sites are translated and maintained by volunteers and international nonprofit organizations - if you are interested in volunteering to translate for Khan Academy, learn more about our volunteer translator program.

A note from the Hungarian team 🇭🇺

After two years of two dozen volunteer translators’ dedicated work, Khan Academy now is available in Hungarian. It offers learning material in Early Math, Computing, Chemistry and Music. The work has been coordinated by the Akadémia Határok Nélkül (Academy Without Borders) Foundation. We are working hard so that we can add more content and more subjects soon. Our aim is to provide the chance to each Hungarian learner no matter where they come from to fulfil their potential, and to experience the love of learning!

Egy húszfős önkéntes fordítócsapat kétévi elkötelezett munkája eredményeképp megnyílt a magyar nyelvű Khan Academy honlap, mely jelenleg alapszintű matematika, informatika, kémia és zenei tananyagokat kínál. A munkát – mely tovább folytatódik – az Akadémia Határok Nélkül Alapítvány fogja össze azzal a szándékkal, hogy mielőbb minél több tartalmat, tantárggyal tudjuk a meglévő anyagokat bővíteni. Célunk, hogy minden magyar tanulni vágyó egyénnek esélyt adjunk rá, hogy kibontakoztathassa képességeit, és hogy ráérezzen a tanulás örömére.

A note from the Kannada team 🇮🇳

Khan Academy is now available in Kannada. Kannada is spoken by 45 million people in the southern state of India called Karnataka. 4.8 million students write their board exams in Kannada across 10,300 schools. Our Kannada site hopes to bring Khan content to all these students; as of July 2019 Maths is available from Class 5 through 10 for these students.

Perhaps in a first of its kind, the localization was carried out by teachers in the government schools of Karnataka. Two video creators and nearly a hundred text translators across 5 districts helped localize 2,300 videos and 1.3 million words. It took them just seven months to complete this. The immediate next step is to localize more Math content before beginning localization of Science content.


All Khan Academy language sites

Armenian · Bengali/Bangla · Bulgarian · Chinese (Simplified, China mainland) · Czech · Danish · Dutch · French · Georgian · German · Gujarati · Hindi · Indonesian · Italian· Japanese · Korean · Mongolian · Norwegian Bokmal · Polish · Portuguese (Brazilian) · Portuguese (Portugal) · Serbian · Spanish · Swedish · Tamil · Turkish

We also have work-in-progress sites for these 14 languages: Arabic · Greek · Dari · Hebrew · Malay · Persian · Russian · Swahili · Telugu · Thai · Ukrainian · Urdu · Xhosa · Zulu