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Do new students automatically get assigned active assignments?


Yes, they do! Previously, when new students joined a class, teachers received a notification to update new students’ accounts with all active content.


This required teachers to take the extra step of logging in and clicking on the notification so that new students could begin working on assignments.

As of February 22, 2021, new students will automatically receive all active class-wide assignments as soon as they join a class.

Why do active assignments now automatically transfer to new students?

We made this change based on feedback we’ve received from teachers that the added step of approving the transfer of content to new students took too much time away from instruction. Moreover, if teachers forgot about this step or missed the notification, they often had to troubleshoot outside of class to share resources with new students.

Will new students receive past due assignments?

No. When new students join a class, only active class-wide assignments will show up in student accounts. Active assignments include content with a current or future due date. If you’d like to assign past due content, we suggest that you create a new assignment specifically for new students.

Will Course Mastery goals be automatically created for new students?

Not yet. Currently, this update only applies to teacher-directed content, not Course Mastery goals. Teachers will need to log in to their Khan Academy accounts and create a Course Mastery goal for new students.

How will I know when new students join a class?

To see if new students have successfully joined a class, please click the Students link from your class dashboard.


Does this mean that I can assign content to a class before any students have joined?

This feature is not yet available but could be included in future product roadmaps. Currently, to assign content, at least one student will need to have joined the class.

Will new students receive scheduled assignments when they become active assignments?

Yes, they will! Once new students have joined your class, they will automatically receive all active assignments, even those that were scheduled, but are not active, prior to the student joining the class.

For example, if you schedule an assignment on Monday to be active and assigned to students on Friday, a new student who joins your class on Wednesday will also receive the Friday assignment.