Content Updates - July 2019
We're always working to improve and expand Khan Academy, including by adding more concepts to learn!
AP Macroeconomics
We've updated this course to add:
- Two new lessons to fully align with the 2019 AP Macroeconomics course and exam description, with content tagged to the new standards:
- Public Policy and Economic Growth
- Real Interest Rates and International Capital Flows
- Seven new exercises on challenging topics to progress from foundational concepts to AP style questions:
- Public Policy and Economic Growth
- Real Interest Rates and International Capital Flows
- Required Reserves, Excess Reserves, and Bank Behavior
- The Money Market: Foundational Concepts
- Monetary Policy: Foundational Concepts
- Introduction to Fractional Reserve Banking
- The Market for Loanable Funds
AP Computer Science Principles
We've updated this course to add:
- One new unit on the Global Impact of Computing, to teach the ideas from the AP CSP Big Idea on Global Impact. This unit includes 4 lessons, 3 exercises, and 1 unit test:
- Communication, Collaboration, and Crowdsourcing (with exercise)
- Copyright, Licenses, and Digital Media (with exercise)
- Science, Computing, and the Internet (with exercise)
Sensors and Smart Systems
AP US History
We’ve updated this course to:
- Enable mastery throughout the whole course!
- Add 41 new exercises to fully align with the 2019 AP US History course and exam description, with content tagged to the new standards:
- The new exercises span these units:
- Period 1: 1491-1607
- Period 2: 1607-1754
- Period 5: 1844-1877
- Period 6: 1865-1898
- Period 8: 1945-1980
- Period 9: 1980-present
- And here’s a list of those 37 exercises:
- European exploration in Americas
- Cultural interactions between Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans
- European Colonization
- The Regions of British Colonies
- Trans-Atlantic Trade
- Interactions between American Indians and Europeans
- Colonial Society and Culture
- Mexican-American War
- Compromise of 1850
- Sectional Conflict: Regional Differences
- Failure of Compromise
- Election of 1860 & Secession
- Military Conflict in the Civil War
- Government Policies During the Civil War
- Reconstruction
- Failure of Reconstruction
- Westward Expansion: Economic Development
- Westward Expansion: Social and Cultural Development
- The “New South”
- Technological Innovation
- The Rise of Industrial Capitalism
- Labor in the Gilded Age
- Immigration & migration in the Gilded Age
- Responses to immigration in the Gilded Age
- Development of the Middle Class
- Reform in the Gilded Age
- Controversies over the Role of Government in the Gilded Age
- Politics in the Gilded Age
- The Civil Rights Movement Expands
- Youth culture of the 1960s
- The Environment and Natural Resources 1968 to 1980.
- Society in Transition
- Reagan and Conservatism
- The End of the Cold War
- A Changing Economy
- Migration and Immigration in the 1990s and 2000s
- Challenges of the 21st century