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Is there curriculum mapping for Ireland?

The mapping is split into 4 sections: Primary 3rd & 4th, Primary 5th & 6th, Junior Cycle, and Senior Cycle. Within each section, it is further broken down by the curriculum strand, and then by chapter/section. Each subject is mapped into a separate Excel workbook file, which you can download and view on your computer. The tabs along the bottom of the workbook show the chapters/sections within the curriculum strand, and each of these sheets includes the Khan Academy exercises that are aligned to each given section’s content.  

Using the Mapping Document in Your Classroom

Once you have downloaded the mapping document and found the relevant chapter/section and topic that you are teaching, you can create a study guide for your class. You can recommend the exercises through the coach recommendation feature, or have the students locate and complete the exercises in their dashboard and monitor their progress in the coach reports.  

Primary 3rd and 4th Class

Subject: Algebra Data Number Measures Shape and space
Link: Download ALGEBRA 3rd & 4th class Map Download DATA 3rd & 4th class Map Download NUMBER 3rd & 4th class Map Download MEASURES 3rd & 4th class Map Download SHAPE AND SPACE 3rd & 4th class Map
Strand Units: Number Patterns and Sequences
Number Sentences

Representing and Interpreting data

Place Value
Money – euro
2D Shapes
3D Shapes
Lines & Angles

  Primary 5th and 6th Class

Subject: Algebra Data Number Measures Shape and space
Link: Download ALGEBRA 5th & 6th class Map Download DATA 5th & 6th class Map Download NUMBER 5th & 6th class Map Download MEASURES 5th & 6th class Map Download SHAPE AND SPACE 5th & 6th class Map
Strand Units: Directed Numbers
Rules and Properties
Representing and Interpreting data
Place Value
Decimals and Percentages, Number Theory
2D Shapes
3D Shapes
Lines & Angles

 Junior Cycle

Statistics and Probability Geometry and Trigonometry Algebra Number Functions
Download Junior Cycle Strand 1: Statistics & Probability Map Download Junior Cycle Strand 2: Geometry and Trigonometry Map Download Junior Cycle Strand 4: Algebra Map Download Junior Cycle Strand 3: Number Map Download Junior Cycle Strand 5: Functions Map

Chapter 1: The Basics of Probability 

Sections Covered: How to Count
Language of Probability
Probability and Random Experiments
The Outcomes of Simple Random Experiments

Chapter 2: Introducing Statistics 

Sections Covered: What is statistical thinking?
Introducing data: what do we mean by data?
Introducing data: collecting and organizing data
Introducing data: sampling*

Chapter 3: Organising and Understanding Data

Sections Covered: Graphing Data
Summary Measures of Data Sets: Central Tendency and Range
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Solving Problems in Statistics

Chapter 1: Synthetic Geometry

Sections Covered: Axioms, theorems, and corollaries

Chapter 2: Co-ordinate Geometry

Sections Covered: Using formulae
Investigating lines

Chapter 3: Trigonometry

Sections Covered: Pythagoras Theorem
Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Ratios
Solving Right-angled triangles*

Chapter 4: Transformations

Sections Covered: Transformation Geometry and symmetries
List of Axioms, Theorems, Corollaries, and Constructions

Chapter 1: Patterns

Sections Covered: Introduction to Patterns
Different Types of Patterns
Creating Formulae

Chapter 2: Algebraic Relationships

Sections Covered: Linear Relationships
Quadratic Relationships
Proportional Relationships
Quantitative Graphs

Chapter 3: Expressions

Sections Covered: Simplifying Expressions
Expanding Expressions
Factorizing Expressions
Rearrangement of Formulae*

Chapter 4: Equations and Inequalities

Sections Covered: Solving Linear Equations
Solving Inequalities
Solving and Forming Quadratic Equations

Chapter 1: Number and Applied Arithmetic

Sections Covered: Number Types and Concepts
Order of Operations
Fractions and Ratios
Scientific Notation
Applied Arithmetic

Chapter 2: Measurement and Problem Solving

Sections Covered: Measurement, Time and Speed
Area and Perimeter
Problem Solving

Chapter 3: Sets

Sections Covered: Introducing sets, set notation, and terminology
Venn Diagrams
Associative and Distributive Properties of Set Operations

Chapter 1: Function NotationSections Covered:Notation for functions
Chapter 2: Graphing FunctionsSections Covered:Graphing Linear Functions
Graphs of Quadratic and Exponential* Functions
Using Quadratic Graphs*

 Senior Cycle

Statistics and Probability Geometry and Trigonometry Algebra Number Functions
 Download Senior Cycle Strand 1: Statistics and Probability Download Senior Cycle Strand 2: Geometry and Trigonometry Download Senior Cycle Strand 4: Algebra Download Senior Cycle Strand 3: Number Download Senior Cycle Strand 5: Functions

Chapter 1: Probability 1

Sections Covered: Listing Outcomes of experiments in a systematic way (Foundation Level)
The probability of an event occurring. Predicting and determining probabilities (Foundation Level)
Probability/Relative Frequency/Expected Value
Probabilities of dependent and independent events

Chapter 2: Probability II

Sections Covered: Finding the probability of equally likely outcomes (Foundation Level)
Independent Events
Apply an understanding of Bernoulli trials
The Normal Distribution

Chapter 3: Statistics I

Sections Covered: What is statistical thinking?
Data I: Sample Surveys
Data II: Graphing Data

Chapter 4: Statistics II

Sections Covered: Data III – Measures of center, and variation
Data IV – Distribution of Data
Scatter Graphs and Correlation
Data V – Interpretation of Data
Sampling Variability
The Normal Distribution and the Empirical Rule
The margin of Error and Hypothesis Testing

Chapter 1: Synthetic Geometry

Sections Covered:

  • Constructions
  • Theorems of Euclidean Geometry

Chapter 2: Coordinate Geometry

Sections Covered: Co-ordinate Geometry I – The Line (Foundation, Ordinary, and Higher Level)
Coordinate Geometry II – The Circle (Ordinary and Higher Level)

Chapter 3: Transformation Geometry

Sections Covered: Symmetries and translations

Chapter 4: Trigonometry I

Sections Covered: Right-Angled Triangles and Pythagoras Theorem
Right-Angled Triangles and Trigonometric Ratios
Degrees & Radians

Chapter 5: Trigonometry II

Sections Covered: Graphing Trigonometric Functions
Solving 2D & 3D Problems
Trigonometric Formulae

Chapter 1: Patterns

Sections Covered: Linear Patterns
Patterns and Graphs

Chapter 2: Algebraic Manipulation

Sections Covered: Manipulating Expressions
Solving Equations I
Solving Equations II
Solving Inequalities

Chapter 3: Complex Numbers

Sections Covered: Complex Numbers

Chapter 1: Number Systems

Sections Covered: Real Numbers
Real Numbers and Complex Numbers
Irrationality and conjugates
Induction and Introduction to Sequences and Series
Fractions, Decimals, Percentages and Standard Form
Sequences and Series

Chapter 2: Indices

Sections Covered: Indices

Chapter 3: Applied Arithmetic

Sections Covered: Percentages
Shape (Length, Area, and Volume)

Chapter 1: FunctionsSections Covered:What is a Function?
Graphing Functions
Composite Functions
Surjective, Injective and Bijective functions*
Quadratic Functions in Complete Square Form*
Limits and Continuity of Functions
Chapter 2: Differential CalculusSections Covered:Differentiation & Slope
Differentiation by Rule
Differentiating Functions*
Rates of Change & Stationary Points
Differentiation from First Principles*
Chapter 3: Integral Calculus*Sections Covered:Antiderivative*
Average Value of a Function*
Evaluating Integrals*
Bounded Area*